George Koliakos was born in Thessaloniki Greece at 1956. He is a graduate of Medical School Aristotle University (MD 1979) and has a doctoral degree in Biochemistry from the same school (PhD 1983). He specialized in Nuclear Medicine (1983-1987) He served as a postdoctoral associate at the medical school of the university of Minessota USA (1987-1989) and was a visiting research professor at the university of Miami USA (1993). Since 1989 he is a faculty member of the Medical School Aristotle University serving since 2012 as a professor of Biochemistry.

He is since 2019 the director of the Joint postgraduate program of Aristotle University Thessaloniki and Democritus University Thrace “Stem Cell and Regenerative medicine”, editor of the “Aristotle Biomedical Journal” and president of the “Hellenic Society for Regenerative Medicine Research”.

He served as Director of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry AHEPA University Hospital (2016-2019), Director of the Laboratory of Biological Chemistry Medical School Aristotle University (2018-2020) Head of the Department of Biological Sciences and Preventive Medicine (2017-2019 and 2020-2021). He also has served as member of the board of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Member of the board of the Hellenic Society of Nuclear Medicine and coeditor of Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Cofounder and associate manager of Hippocrates Diagnostic Center in Thessaloniki (1991-2006). CEO, of the Hellenic National Research Center Stem cell Bank (2007-2014). Currently, founder President and CEO of Biohellenika biotechnology company (since 2006).

George Koliakos has co authored 191 peer reviewed papers listed in Pubmed and Scopus with more than 5300 citations and a current Hills Index of 38 (Google Scholar).

He was a principal investigator in 17 national research Grants and inventor or coinventor in eight patents.